Morning Star members were benefitted by the NABARD through Stella Maris Institute of Development Studies. The training on solar drier based fish and vegetable business gave confidence to the members to start a micro level business. Technical training made the members for feel comfortable with the business idea. With the help of Stella Maris Institute of Development studies a supply chain developed for the products locally. Morning Star is using common facility centre of SMIDS for their production.
They produce dry fish and dry vegetables through the Common Facility Centre established by SMIDS. After the NABARD sponsored training through SMIDS, the JLG formed a group called Morning Star and started utilizing the Common Facility centre at SMIDS for their production purpose. They thank NABARD and SMIDS for providing this constructive training.
Though there are dry fish available in the market there is a huge demand for a quality clean dry Fishes. Dry vegetables have a huge demand and some of the vegetables can be preserved during the excess production time and it can be sold for fair price when there is a high demand.
The products produced by Morning Star group are marketed by SMIDS in the brand name called “Pani e Pesci” through various shops and malls.
The project Production, Value Addition and Marketing of Moringa To Ensure Sustainable Source of Livelihood Income For Coastal Community Women Covered Under Post Tsunami Sustainable Livelihood Project Area In Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu implemented by Stella Maris Institute of Development Studies (SMIDS).
The field office for coordinating the activities of the IFAD assisted PTSLP programme for Moringa was inaugurated by Mr. Nagaraj, D.D Marketing Tirunelveli. The programme was also attended by DD agri. Mr. Sathyan and Asst. Director Horti. Mr. Ramachandran.