Our Donors and Partners
- Hilton Fund For Sisters
- Italian Bishop’s Conference Italy
- Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) Bangalore
- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
- MISSIO Austria
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
- Ministry of Minority Affairs
- Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd. (TNCDW)
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Social Welfare Board
- Tamil Nadu Housing And Adi Dravida Corporation (THADCO)
- District Rural Development Agency
- Directorate of Town Panchayat
- Save the Children
- International Lab Organization (ILO)
- Assisi Aid Projects Inc., Australia
- ECOSOC : United Nations Economic and Social Council
- Conferenza Episcopale Italiana
- Save Foundation
- Climate Watchers Association – France
Scaling up operations of a proven project working with marginalized women in southern districts of Tamil Nadu, with an aim of generating sustainable livelihood options through collective joint liability groups (JLGs) and Self Help Groups (SHGs) engaging in organic farming, post-harvest processing and marketing of value-added agriculture and allied products.